About Me

NameDinesh Joseph
ProfessionLife Coach and L&D Professional
BornJohannesburg, South Africa
Currently livesLondon, UK


Why choose me?

I often ask people to describe themselves in 3 words.  Mine are:  Caring, passionate and sincere.  What are yours?

I believe the key to success and true happiness in life is finding your purpose.  If you find your purpose, you bring meaning to your life.  And when you have meaning in your life, you will naturally be fulfilled. 
A fulfilled person is a happy and successful person.  Part of what I do is helping people understand why self-awareness and personal development is so important to this process.

I’ve got loads of life experience and have worked with people from all across the world.  Couple this with the fact that I have over 13 years of experience in training & development – I believe I am well equipped to guide you through what I call the ‘fog of life’.  To aid you on this journey, I have created a lifestyle development course called The 5 Steps to Clarity.  Designed to be practical and straightforward, and together with my help, it gives you the tools you need to start finding your way and creating more happiness and success in your life.

For more detailed information about the course, please click here or use the Services menu above.